Overseas Programs

To expand and improve education and career opportunities through various cultural awareness projects, student exchange programs and pedagogy exchanges, we have created a global links with schools and universities in different countries. Through a close, committed, ongoing relationship, Digital Cybermatic Edupro Ventures will provide fascinating global opportunities for the students. Houghton Academy (Grade IX - XII): Students can carry out American high school certification alongside their regular CBSE curriculum. This program will enable students to have HOUGHTON, an added advantage, when applying for further studies abroad without spending additional years (and without having to appear in IELTS in some cases).

American High School Diploma
The American High School Diploma is considered equivalent to passing Grade 12 by the Association of Indian Universities, which then would allow our students to apply for colleges in India and all over the world on just the basis of the High School Diploma itself. The US High School Diploma follows an American-style curriculum that offers flexibility and breadth of subject options. This American high school qualification opens the doors to universities anywhere in North America and is widely recognized by international universities worldwide. Digital Cybermatic Edupro Ventures has entered into an agreement with Global Student Exchange (GSE), Florida, USA to facilitate an international learning experience to our students who study in grades IX-XII. Under this program, rolled out in the winter 2020, Edupro has a direct engagement with Houghton Academy, New York, USA who will offer an American High School diploma alongside their CBSE studies in India. This program gives a wonderful opportunity for the bright future of the students to attend virtual classes by the Houghton Academy faculty members, in topics of science. Mathematics, history and English. The benefits of this program are:
  • Edu Pro Student will get an international learning experience during their schooling years in India. The required credits to be qualified for getting American High School Diploma will be calculated based on student's academic performance in CBSE exams. The required credits can be achieved by attending courses over a customized period of 1 year (Gr. XII), 2 years (Gr. XI) or 3 years (Gr. X). The number of courses per year will vary as per the student's choice of following 1,2 or 3 years program. Houghton Academy Diploma will enhance Edu Pro students' chances of getting admission in top international universities as compared to a regular Indian student having only CBSE certification.
  • In some cases, the requirement of IELTS will be waived off by the host university from the criteria for admission. The most interesting aspect of this program is that if students would like to move to the USA and attend the classes physically at Houghton Academy, they can do so by leaving their CBSE studies in India and have an exclusive American High School Certification.
Overall, this program is ideal for students who have clear goals for getting admission at top American and other international universities and to potentially move to USA for their future studies.

Study Abroad Clinic
To provide a promising future for students, Digital Cybermatic Edupro Ventures has one of the best placement cells which share a connection with academic institutions of global repute. Students through the placement channel seek admissions to best universities abroad with adequate scholarships. The Study Abroad Clinic builds a liaison between the prospective students and participating education/training providers, concerned diplomatic mission and relevant government authorities. We Identify screening of the universities/colleges/institutes/polytechnics, their programs and courses, accreditation and rankings and also guide students through counseling when they face a problem with choosing careers or academics. Digital Cybermatic Edupro Ventures has built ties with Institutions and Colleges abroad mainly to encourage students have wide exposure to college life as the next step from the school both home and abroad. The platform highly supports research interests and other programs students wish to take up abroad.

IELTS Centre
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world's most popular English language test for higher education and global migration. Digital Cybermatic Edupro Ventures help students seeking further education abroad in preparing for their test with a range of IELTS study materials and resources that gets them acquainted with the test format and also improves their confidence when writing, speaking, reading and listening in English. Our IELTS training course is proven to be quite effective in improving our students' English acumen. Expert faculties with finest subject matter expertise and best teaching methodology create the personalized curriculum for each student. Students can quickly start peaking the scores as our stringent curriculum includes a lot of practice, assessment and feedback.